First Lady Jacqueline “Jackie” Allen
First Lady Jacqueline “Jackie” Allen the eldest of three children born to the late Pastor Joe C. Johnson and Queen Emma Inez Johnson. She is a native Floridian, born in Miami, Florida and educated in the Broward County School system. She and Pastor Wayne Allen, Sr. were married on September 2, 1995 and are the proud parents of Wayne, Jr. and Rashad and grandparents to Wynter and Rashad, Jr.
Lady Jackie accepted the Lord Jesus Christ at a very early age and has continued in service to Him through various ministries in the church. She has served faithfully in youth and young adult ministries including Junior Church, BTU, Youth Choirs, Youth Ushers, local, state, and national Baptist Association youth conferences, Young Adult Choirs, and Young Matrons.
For over fifteen years she served as Administrative Assistant for Ebenezer Missionary Baptist Church while also serving as personal assistant to Pastor Joe C. Johnson. She is a gifted Psalmist and uses her gift to the glory of God here in the church, in the community, throughout the city, the state and nationally. For many years, Lady Jackie served tirelessly as Director of the Music Ministry and she currently serves in the capacity of Consultant and Spiritual Advisor to the EMBC Music Ministry. She also serves in and is very dedicated to the W.I.S.E. Women’s Ministry of EMBC.
Lady Jackie is an active member of the local, state, regional and international Ministers Wives and Ministers Widows Association (MWMWA). She serves as a worship leader and also in various other positions within the MWMWA organization.
After a very difficult year of tremendous loss and serious illness, the Lord is strengthening and restoring day-by-day. For that we say thank you Lord, for only You know the plans You have for us. First Lady Jackie is a worshipper at heart. It is evident as she evokes the spirit of worship when she ministers. Her testament and one of her favorite scriptures is Psalms 13:6, “I will sing to the LORD, because He has dealt bountifully with me.” To God be all glory and honor for He is truly worthy!